Yaml .NET Parser

ParseStream Methods

The methods of the ParseStream class are listed below. For a complete list of ParseStream class members, see the ParseStream Members topic.

Public Instance Methods

BuildLookaheadBuffer (inherited from MultiBufferStream) Destroy the current buffer
DestroyLookaheadBuffer (inherited from MultiBufferStream) Destroy the current buffer
DontStopMissing <summary> documentation for M:Yaml.ParseStream.DontStop
Equals (inherited from Object) 
GetHashCode (inherited from Object) 
GetType (inherited from Object) 
Indent (inherited from IndentationProcessor) Request an indentation. When we meet a \n and the following line is more indented then the current indentationlever, then save this request
NextOverloaded. Goes to the next char in the stream
RewindLookaheadBuffer (inherited from MultiBufferStream) Rewind the current buffer
SkipSpaces (inherited from DropTrailingNewline) Skip space characters
StartLiteralMissing <summary> documentation for M:Yaml.ParseStream.StartLiteral
StopAtMissing <summary> documentation for M:Yaml.ParseStream.StopAt(System.Char[])
StopLiteralMissing <summary> documentation for M:Yaml.ParseStream.StopLiteral
ToString (inherited from Object) 
UnIndent (inherited from IndentationProcessor) Cancel the last indentation
UsingBuffer (inherited from BufferStream) Returns true when using a buffer

Protected Instance Methods

Finalize (inherited from Object) 
MemberwiseClone (inherited from Object) 

See Also

ParseStream Class | Yaml Namespace