Yaml .NET Parser

String Members

String overview

Public Instance Constructors

String Overloaded. Initializes a new instance of the String class.

Public Instance Properties

Content Content property
Type (inherited from Node) Kind of node: mapping, sequence, string, ...
URI (inherited from Node) URI of this node, according to the YAML documentation.

Public Instance Methods

Equals (inherited from Object) 
GetHashCode (inherited from Object) 
GetType (inherited from Object) 
Info (inherited from Scalar) Node info
ToFile (inherited from Node)Overloaded. Write a YAML tree to a file using UTF-8 encoding
ToString To String
Write (inherited from Node)Overloaded. Return a Yaml string

Protected Instance Fields

nodetype (inherited from Node) Determines wich node we are talking about
uri (inherited from Node) The uri given by http://yaml.org/type/

Protected Instance Methods

Finalize (inherited from Object) 
MemberwiseClone (inherited from Object) 

Protected Internal Instance Methods

WriteOverloaded. Write

Private Instance Fields

blockMissing <summary> documentation for F:Yaml.String.block
contentMissing <summary> documentation for F:Yaml.String.content
foldedMissing <summary> documentation for F:Yaml.String.folded

Private Instance Methods

NextUnescapedChar Reads a character from the stream, unescapes it, and moves to the next character.
ParseDoubleQuoted Parses a String surrounded with double quotes
ParseSingleQuoted Parses a String surrounded with single quotes
ParseUnQuoted Parses a String surrounded without nothing

See Also

String Class | Yaml Namespace